
We couldn’t do this sale with out volunteers! You are the heart and soul of this community event. Volunteering comes with perks– like making a higher commission on your sales (65–75%) and getting to shop early during the pre-sale AND during the 50% off sale.

Plus– it is a lot of fun!

What types of help do you need?

We need all sorts of help! People to help on drop-off day, tagging and organizing clothes. People to help with check out and security at the sale. A photographer to take pictures. Strong people to help load and move furniture. And people to help us clean up at the end!

How long do I need to volunteer for?

Volunteer shifts are for 3 hours each. For every volunteer shift that you work you will get an extra 5% commission. You can work up to 3 shifts and make a maximum of 75% commission.

Do volunteers get to shop early?

Yes! Everyone who volunteers for at least 3 hours will receive a Pre-sale pass AND will also get to shop early on the 50% off day too!

What if I sign up to volunteer but can’t make it?

If you can not work the shift you signed up for you will need to find someone to fill in for you. Consignors who do not find a replacement will only receive a 50% commission on their sale proceeds. We understand that emergencies happen and will consider things accordingly.

Can I bring my child with me when I volunteer?

No. Unless you have special permission, please do not bring children to your volunteer shift.

I can’t volunteer during the sale. Can I volunteer before the event?

Yes! There is a lot of work to be done before the event too. We can use help with advertising, delivering flyers, and organizing shifts. These hours count towards your volunteer hours and still come with the same benefits.

Make the Most of Being a Volunteer. Sign up to Sell!