Our online system makes it easy to add your items and print tags. Login here to get started.
- All tags MUST be printed on plain WHITE card stock.
- If printing on a color printer make sure you choose “Black Cartridge Only” in your settings. Make sure your barcodes print clearly!
- If printing at home use an ink jet (not a laser) printer. The barcodes will not print correctly with a home laser printer. Choose “fit to printable area” or “fit to page” in the settings.
- Include a description of your item on the tag. This helps us locate your item if the tag falls off, and can prevent dishonest shoppers from switching tags.
- If you need to change something after you have printed a tag, you will need to reprint it. We cannot process handwritten tags into our computer system.
- Attach your tags securely to your items. If your tag falls off we may not be able to sell your item.
- When attaching tags to clothes either safety pin it on the right side (see picture below) or secure it to the hanger with tape (see video).