Don’t have time to price and tag your items, but you want them GONE! Donating them to our event is a great option. Check out the types of items we accept and get rid of your old unused things and make space for something new!
Benefits of Donating
- Get a pass for the pre-sale
- Get a $10 credit to use at the sale
To get these benefits donators must have at least 25 sellable items (or $100 value).
Donated items can be dropped off anytime at the Museum of Clean between the hours of 8 am -7pm on Thursday, April 10th.
Sorry we can not accept items before then.
Think about it
Do you want to raise money for your team, your group, or a school trip?
Consider using The Switch Up as a way to fundraise!
Have members of your team ask their neighbors, church members and friends to clean out their closets and donate items to you. Then sign up as a consignor and price and tag your donated items. Bring them to the sale and use the money they make towards your fundraising efforts!
Simple and fun!