Step 1: Prepare Your Items

The better your items look the better they will sell! Take some time to make your items shine and it will PAY off.

Clothing, Shoes and Accessories

  • Clothing should be washed. Clothing that has stains, rips or smells like cigarette smoke won’t be accepted.
  • All clothing must be hung on hangers, with the hook facing the left like a question mark. Hangers will not be returned to sellers. But you do get to keep all the hangers from clothing your purchase at the sale. Walmart sells 50 for $7, which is 15 cents a hanger.
  • If the item is a set make sure they are pinned together.
  • Single pants, skirts and shorts need to be pinned to the top of the hanger.
  • Shoes should have the laces tied together, be zip tied together or put in bag. Don’t bring shoes in a box.

Toys, Games, Puzzles & Books

  • Toys with parts should have them packaged so that the parts are inside a clear Ziploc bag and attached to the large part so that pieces do not go missing.
  • All toys need to be in working condition with batteries included.  Get cheap batteries at the dollar store. 
  • Make sure games have all the pieces and that the edges of the box are taped shut. Use painters tape to attach your tags to books and games, so they don’t get damaged.
  • Wrapping children’s puzzles with saran wrap is a good way to make sure the pieces don’t fall out during the sale. 
  • Books in a set should be wrapped together with saran wrap, in a plastic bag, or rubber banded together.

Pricing your Items

When setting prices, think about what you would be willing to pay for an item. Try to price them competitively. Better to make some money than to get none.

  • A good rule of thumb when selling used items is to price them at 1/3 their original price. If the item is new this can be slightly higher.
  • There is a minimum price of $2. If you don’t think your item is worth $2 then bundle it with other items.
  • If you have outfits or items that could go together consider selling them as a set instead of individually. Sets of things sell better than individual items.

Give your item the best chance of selling by marking the “discount” button when you enter it. This means it will automatically be included in our 1/2 sale.